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“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now

Contributed by Nolan Paparelli on Jan 26th, 2022. Artwork published in
April 2020
“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now 1
Source: © Mike Giesser. License: All Rights Reserved.

Created for Mate Act Now: 100+ posters protesting climate change and driving political action. Limited edition book print run with proceeds going to Red Cross Disaster Relief Australia. Project initiated and curated by Chris Flack. Poster design by Mike Giesser using Everett by Nolan Paparelli. Mike Giesser describes his design:

My poster is inspired by the “And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt” trope and lists a series of climate–change impacts while asking the question – are these impacts purely speculative climate fiction or actual climate fact? The pooling water on top of the text adds an element of physicality, obvs referencing the rise in sea level and intended to create a small amount of disruption and irritation. Which, (lol?) wouldn’t even be a drop in the bucket (pun intended) of the disruption that every single person on this planet will face if we don’t change our ways now. That change has to be both individual (there’s no way around us all having to make significant lifestyle sacrifices) and collective by increased pressure on our governments to legislate long–lasting and forward–thinking policies that place our planet’s longevity and prosperity first. If we think the current global measures being used to combat the Covid–19 pandemic are compromising our personal freedoms and liberties, then we’re fooling ourselves to not see how this is just a small taste, the tip of the (melting) iceberg of what our lives in 2050 will be like, “living” in a world changed by climate catastrophe.

“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now 2
Source: © Mike Giesser. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now 3
Source: © Mike Giesser. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now 4
Source: © Mike Giesser. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now 5
Source: © Mike Giesser. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Climate changed and all I got was” poster for Mate Act Now 6
Source: © Mike Giesser. License: All Rights Reserved.




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