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AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script

Contributed by Nouvelle Noire on Jan 19th, 2022. Artwork published in .
AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 1
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.

ABC – Geschichte und Form der lateinischen Schrift
ABC – History and Form of the Latin Script
ABC – Histoire et forme de l’écriture latine

Why do our letters look the way they do? Their original shapes have resulted from the interaction of writing material, writing speed and aesthetics. The alphabet used by the Romans changed depending on the writing material (stone, chisel, papyrus, parchment, writing tube, quill) and also over time. Since Gutenberg, books are no longer written by hand but printed, and since the invention of the typewriter at the end of the 19th century, people in business and administration no longer write but type. Finally, digitization has once again significantly reduced private writing by hand, but has made many typefaces available to everyone.

Based on Hans Eduard Meier’s standard work The development of writing, the editorial team, Rudolf Barmettler, Roland Stieger and Rupert Kalkofen, has completely revised the book, supplemented and expanded it according to the latest scientific findings. The new publication (in German, English and French) gives an overview of the development of the Latin script from the origin of the Latin characters, their changes through the centuries to the current state of digital fonts as well as the latest trends.

122 illustrations demonstrate this development and are commented on.

92 pages; 20×29,7 cm; Swiss paperback.
VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen

AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 2
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.
AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 3
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.
AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 4
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.
AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 5
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.
AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 6
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.
AaBbCc – History and Form of the Latin Script 7
Source: VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen. License: All Rights Reserved.

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