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Sea Monster Smoosh game

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Mar 2nd, 2022. Artwork published in
circa 2007
Title screen
Photo: Bryson Stohr. License: All Rights Reserved.

Title screen

This Flash-powered Dig-Dug clone contains heavy Ed Interlock and Typography of Coop Heavy usage. Take a gander at the screenshots. Arial Bold is used for the High Scores. Sea Monster Smoosh is a SpongeBob SquarePants online game. According to the Internet Archive, it was published in 2007.

A shot of the game in action. Here, typographic activity is mostly restricted to the score, number of levels and lives, and Help and Quit buttons.
Photo: Bryson Stohr. License: All Rights Reserved.

A shot of the game in action. Here, typographic activity is mostly restricted to the score, number of levels and lives, and Help and Quit buttons.

The high scores, guest starring  Bold and, um, “undefined”, I guess.
Photo: Bryson Stohr. License: All Rights Reserved.

The high scores, guest starring Arial Bold and, um, “undefined”, I guess.

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