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“Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets

Contributed by Hanzer Liccini on Mar 28th, 2022. Artwork published in
September 2019
    “Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets 1
    Photo: Hanzer Liccini. License: All Rights Reserved.

    On the occasion of the centenary exhibition original bauhaus (6 September 2019 – 27 January 2020) at the Berlinische Galerie, a series of five exercise sheets for visiting schools was commissioned by the Bauhaus Agenten, set in HAL Matex.

    “Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets 2
    Photo: Hanzer Liccini. License: All Rights Reserved.
    “Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets 3
    Photo: Hanzer Liccini. License: All Rights Reserved.
    “Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets 4
    Photo: Hanzer Liccini. License: All Rights Reserved.
    “Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets 5
    Photo: Hanzer Liccini. License: All Rights Reserved.
    “Entdecke das Bauhaus” exercise sheets 6
    Photo: Hanzer Liccini. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • HAL Matex




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