Source: to Flickr by Bart Solenthaler and tagged with “eurostile” and “goudyoldstyle”. License: All Rights Reserved.
A lesser known member of the Eurostile series, in use for a 1970 ad by Renault. Issued by Nebiolo as Eurostile stretto nero, it was named Bold Condensed for international markets. The foundry also issued a “compatto” variant (a.k.a. Compact Bold Condensed) with minimized side bearings, enabling a spacing as tight as the medium of metal type would possibly allow. The Bold Condensed is included in the digital versions by URW (as Heavy Condensed) and Linotype (as Condensed Bold).
The ad copy is set in short ragged-right lines of Goudy Oldstyle:
We are not joking. The run-of-the-mill 1970 car is an affront to progress.
It’s too expensive to buy. And too expensive to run. It’s almost impossible to park, and maneuvering it through city traffic would try the nerves of a saint.
You’d be better off with a horse.
Which is sure-footed, inexpensive, maneuverable and it eats hay. Nice, cheap, hay.
The cheeky headline and horse are larger than the product (car)! Clever and audacious. Must’ve drove the client mad. What a great time to be an ad agency. Reminds me of the VW Beetle ads from the 1960s.
3 Comments on ““The horse is better than most 1970 cars” Renault ad”
The cheeky headline and horse are larger than the product (car)! Clever and audacious. Must’ve drove the client mad. What a great time to be an ad agency. Reminds me of the VW Beetle ads from the 1960s.
Here you go:
That’s it. Thanks, Florian!