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CBLDF 2015 Banned Books Week Handbook

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Mar 20th, 2022. Artwork published in .
CBLDF 2015 Banned Books Week Handbook
Photo: Bryson Stohr. License: All Rights Reserved.

From the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF):

The CBLDF Banned Books Week Handbook is a free resource that gives you the scoop about what comics are banned, how to report and fight censorship, and how to make a celebration of Banned Books Week in your community! CBLDF’s Banned Books Week Handbook is an essential tool to assist librarians, educators, and retailers in planning their Banned Books Week celebrations, while also being a vital reference to help readers everywhere fight censorship.

The 2015 edition was edited and designed by Betsy Gomez, with cover art by Raina Telgemeier. The front cover uses You Blockhead for “Censorship!”, shown here in all caps, the name of the publication is shown in an outlined Burford, which had been released a few months before the launch date of the handbook, and “Fight for the Freedom to Read!” is in an also outlined Marujo.

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