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Eastern Voices

Contributed by Hélène Marian on Mar 31st, 2022. Artwork published in
September 2021
Eastern Voices 1
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.

Initiated by Fruiting Body (Lucie Pinier & Matthieu Levet) during the Homografía | Homography (H.H.) queer video and performance festival in Brussels, Eastern Voices collects the words of artists and activists from Eastern Europe and Russia: Anatoly Belov (Ukraine), Zofia Nierodzińska (Poland), and from Russia Sasha Zubritskaya and Krasnye Zori (Helga Zinzyver, Anna Tereshkina, Yuliya Kozhemyako, Anastasia Kriazhevskaia).

Coming from countries where the mere fact of being LGBT, woman or artist can put you at risk of being imprisoned or targeted, their practice cannot be separated from their commitment.

The object, very condensed, printed on thin paper, makes us think of a suffocating newspaper. The density of the texts comes to crush a gigantic pagination, which occupies all the little space left for it. The graphic design of the object conceived by Hélène Marian, is a reflection of the interviews that it gives to read: speeches all the more powerful that one tries to stifle them. It is laid out with her many-faces PVC type family for the titles (the super dense PVC Promo and the spiky PVC Dynasty and in the narrow Cardinal Fruit for the body copy. All three typefaces are available from Production Type.

Risograph printed on sealed leaflets waiting to be released, the contrast between the dull blue of the text, the grey of the paper and the blinding brilliance of the gold of the titles reminds us of the brightness of these lives of courage.

In view of the situation in Ukraine, all profits from sales of the remaining copies of Eastern Voices are going to associations helping Ukrainian refugees.

Editorial concept by Fruiting Body: Lucie Pinier and Matthieu Levet
Graphic design: Hélène Marian-Srodogora
Printed in Brussels in September 2021 on Habitant.e.s des images ASBL’s risograph printer.
Proofreaders: David Jarrin, Laura Lot, Fanny Quément
Published by La Garconniere Prod & Homografía | Homography Festival

Eastern Voices 2
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.
Eastern Voices 3
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.
Eastern Voices 4
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.
Eastern Voices 5
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.
Eastern Voices 6
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.
Eastern Voices 7
Source: Eastern Voices. License: All Rights Reserved.
Eastern Voices 8
License: All Rights Reserved.

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