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Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara)

Contributed by Erica Jung on Apr 12th, 2022. Artwork published in
August 2016
Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 1
License: All Rights Reserved.

Sheldon by PintassilgoPrints is used all over the cover of the beautiful 60 years commemorative edition of the best-known play by Brazilian author João Cabral de Melo Neto, which is said to have changed the course of poetry in Brazil.

Morte e Vida Severina – translated by Elizabeth Bishop as The Death and Life of a Severino – was published for the first time in 1955. Ten years later it was made into a musical play by the young Chico Buarque, now one of the greatest names in Brazilian music, as well as an awarded writer. It was released by Chico as his second album.

Sheldon fonts, which are available in three cuts, regular, feather and fly, are also used for titles on the inside pages.

Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 2
License: All Rights Reserved.
Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 4
License: All Rights Reserved.
Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 5
Photo: Erica Jung. License: All Rights Reserved.
Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 6
License: All Rights Reserved.
Morte e Vida Severina anniversary edition (Alfaguara) 7
Photo: Erica Jung. License: All Rights Reserved.
  1. It is the first time I see body text set in Espinosa Nova and, for my pride, in a Brazilian book. I also had the impression of reading a cordel (string book), because of this Sheldon font, which mixes well, if my impression makes sense, with the tone of the work.

    Viva João Cabral de Melo Neto and Severino de Maria!


    É a primeira vez que vejo um corpo de texto em Espinosa Nova e, para meu orgulho, em livro brasileiro. Ademais, tive a impressão de ler um cordel, por causa desta fonte Sheldon, que vem a calhar, se minha impressão faz sentido, com o tom da obra.

    Viva João Cabral de Melo Neto e Severino de Maria!

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