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Underground Resistance – Interstellar Fugitives album art

Contributed by Nathan Prost on Jul 26th, 2022. Artwork published in
September 1998
Front cover (vinyl)
Source: Plexus Records. License: All Rights Reserved.

Front cover (vinyl)

ITC Machine is used for the Interstellar Fugitives label compilation released by Underground Resistance in 1998.

From AllMusic:

With Interstellar Fugitives, the Underground Resistance family expanded to include DJ Rolando, Drexciya, Perception, Chaos, Andre Holland and the Suburban Knight – most of whom were longtime colleagues and UR labelmates, but never an explicit part of the organization. Although each track is designated to a different producer (with only one credit for Mad Mike himself), the album is tight and of a piece throughout, focused on hard-hitting, fast-moving techno-funk with a bit of influence from the electro-flashback recordings of Drexciya. Much of the 808 percussion and acid lines are intact from the earliest UR recordings almost ten years earlier, while the guttural vocal samples and industrial edge to “Nannytown” and “Afrogermanic” chart the longtime connections between Detroit and Berlin. It’s a pity, then, that the best tracks on Interstellar Fugitives – the darkside techno of “Something Happened on Dollis Hill,“ “Interstellar Crime Report” and “Zero Is My Country” – are also the shortest.

The UR logo also uses this typeface.

Design and layout by Charles Gibson, with artwork by Abdul Haqq and Charles Gibson. The Shadow Warrior Skull was designed by Franky Fultz.

Righteousness can be perceived as resistance when what one resists is evil

[More info on Discogs]

Front cover (CD)
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Front cover (CD)

CD booklet with credits
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

CD booklet with credits

Vinyl label
Source: Plexus Records. License: All Rights Reserved.

Vinyl label

Back cover (vinyl)
Source: Plexus Records. License: All Rights Reserved.

Back cover (vinyl)




Artwork location

1 Comment on “Underground Resistance – Interstellar Fugitives album art”

  1. Love these recent uploads with the UR

    The music, the design, the whole agenda.


    Great stuff.

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