«Sur le vif». Vivants, fictions et architecture (“On the spot. Life, fiction and architecture”) was published by Éditions 205 in the “Talks” series dedicated to writings on architecture:
Issue no. 5 of the Talks series aims to bring together two a priori unrelated themes: the living and fiction, and to do so from an architectural perspective. Considering the resurgence of contemporary thought in these two fields, these reflections help to redraw the contours of the notion of nature. At the interface of these orders of reality, the architect moves, both in his discourse and in his actions, and places himself in the conditions of projects where humans and non-humans cohabit.
Bureau 205 used the typeface Muoto designed by Matthieu Cortat and available from 205TF. For both body text and the condensed headlines, the designers created custom widths from the variable font version available on the 205TF website.