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ERCO Lighting logo

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Dec 2nd, 2013. Artwork published in .
ERCO Lighting logo
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Thanks to Manuel Wesely for calling our attention to this example of a “type weight gradient”, the logo for ERCO, manufacturer of architectural lighting. Otl Aicher designed the mark in 1974, the same year as Christof Gassner’s Canton logo.




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3 Comments on “ERCO Lighting logo”

  1. I happen to have the Erco style guide. Love the last paragraph: »Selbst Fachleute tun sich schwer, Schriften zu erkennen. Am sichersten kann man die Univers aus anderen Grotesk-Schriften herausfinden, wenn man das kleine a betrachtet. Bei der Univers hat es einen stumpfen Auslauf, der sich verjüngt.« (I’ll replace the image with a better one when I’m with my real camera again.)

  2. (Mh, however I try to format it, this image function doesn’t work that well …)

  3. OS X dashboard translates “stumpfen Auslauf,” as “a blunt discharge”. Great!

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