Avalanche Express movie posters Contributed by Patrick Concannon on Sep 16th, 2023. Artwork published in 1979. Like0Add to Set Source: movieposters.ha.com Heritage Auctions. License: All Rights Reserved. One Sheet poster From Wikipedia: Avalanche Express is a 1979 Cold War adventure thriller film starring Lee Marvin, Robert Shaw, Maximilian Schell, and Linda Evans and produced and directed by Mark Robson. The plot is about the struggle over a defecting Soviet general. The screenplay by Abraham Polonsky was based on a 1977 novel by Colin Forbes. It was the last film for Shaw and Robson, who both died during the production in 1978. The film’s title is set in Earth. Tagline and release date are set in Helvetica. The credit block is set in Univers. Art by Larry Salk. Designer/s currently unknown. Source: movieposters.ha.com Heritage Auctions. License: All Rights Reserved. Subway Advance poster Typefaces More about EarthGet Earth More about HelveticaGet Helvetica More about UniversGet Univers Formats Posters/Flyers (4328) Topics Entertainment (1223) Politics (627) Film/TV (1528) Designers/Agencies Larry Salk (1) unknown (2918) Tagged withfilm (153)movie posters (534)movie logos (174)1970s (1276)illustration (1150)thriller (75)explosions (11)reversed type (2643)tight-not-touching (224)trains (24)guns (86)Cold War (11)CIA (6)Russia (22)center-aligned text (1462)cinema (105)biform/unicase (187)borders and rules (834) Artwork location United States (7725) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Earth in use Automan titles and credits1983Wayne FitzgeraldContributed by Patrick ConcannonMore about EarthGet Earth Airwolf title sequence1984Betty GreenUniversal TitleContributed by Patrick ConcannonMore about EarthGet EarthMore about FolioGet FolioMore about unidentified typefaceGet unidentified typeface Star Wars prototype promotional booklet1976Bill WallenContributed by Patrick Concannon Staff Pick More about EarthGet Earth Sponsor More in Entertainment The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (1979 book and double LP)1979HipgnosisIan WrightContributed by Jay MellorMore about Filmotype MonroeGet Filmotype MonroeMore about Filmotype FleetGet Filmotype FleetMore about Filmotype OmahaGet Filmotype Omaha Sulima Cigaretten “Revue” card deckc. 1910unknownContributed by Florian HardwigMore about Radium (Ludwig & Mayer)Get Radium (Ludwig & Mayer) Laugh Exchange2018unknownContributed by Botio NikoltchevMore about QuasimodaGet Quasimoda Pirandello em Cinco Atos2017Bárbara AbbêsContributed by Bárbara Abbês Staff Pick More about Futura PassataGet Futura PassataMore about LyonGet Lyon More in Posters/Flyers Roode Bioscoop program postersc. 2017Studio Brordus BunderContributed by Nick ShermanMore about Helvetica CompressedGet Helvetica CompressedMore about HelveticaGet Helvetica Week van het Gents 20172017PjotrJan Van Der VekenContributed by Jérémy Landes (Studio Triple)More about MonosansGet Monosans Mario Hossen & Varna Symphony Orchestrac. 2019Stalker StudioDimiter TraychevMilyana StoilovaContributed by Vassil KatelievMore about BasilGet BasilMore about HS GroteskGet HS Grotesk Auf ein schmales Gespräch – über gendergerechte Sprache2020Kathrin WedlerAlma HalfpaapContributed by Paul EslageMore about SombraGet Sombra More Fonts In Use A Universal History of Everything and Nothing by Julie Mehretu2017Luigi AmatoMousse PublishingContributed by Alessio D'Ellena Staff Pick More about ABC LaicaGet ABC Laica Listen Up Philip (2014) fictional book covers2014CHIPSTeddy BlanksContributed by Matthijs Sluiter Staff Pick More about ITC Bernase RomanGet ITC Bernase RomanMore about FuturaGet FuturaMore about Pistilli RomanGet Pistilli Roman Next Expériencec. 2016Nouvelle AdministrationContributed by Luzi Type Staff Pick More about Messina SansGet Messina SansMore about Messina SerifGet Messina Serif Zweikommasieben #102014Präsens BüroContributed by Love Lagerkvist Staff Pick More about Suisse Int’lGet Suisse Int’lMore about Suisse Int’l MonoGet Suisse Int’l MonoMore about Suisse WorksGet Suisse Works