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Articles on Daniel Mall’s Website

Contributed by Indra Kupferschmid on Jan 2nd, 2014. Artwork published in .
Articles on Daniel Mall’s Website 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

This is probably the largest sighting of Frode Helland’s Aften Screen (designed for small sizes on screen) I’ve come across to date — 20 px for body copy and 72 px for the title. Dan(iel) Mall uses it as the primary typeface for the article section of his website, and it reads very well, due to the typeface and good writing. (For reading I preferred it scaled down one cmd– on my small screen and at a moderate reading distance, though.) (And I might have negatively tracked the big headline by a px or two to give it more punch.)

Looking around you can see Aften Screen accompanied by a bunch of other fonts: below the article by some small Trebuchet and compact Urbana, linking to other articles, and Neue Helvetica plus Georgia in the Disqus comments. I almost didn’t recognize meager-looking Georgia there though. Subpixel-antialiasing is turned off in this section, probably from the Disqus side by default. As the cherry on the right top, there is Stag (VERY) Bold for navigation.

It’s clear, Dan Mall loves typefaces, and he loves to experiment with them. 

Articles on Daniel Mall’s Website 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Articles on Daniel Mall’s Website 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




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