An independent archive of typography.

The Dead Man Laughs by Victor Gunn

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Oct 26th, 2023. Artwork published in .
The Dead Man Laughs by Victor Gunn 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

The Collins White Circle print of Victor Gunn’s The Dead Man Laughs. by Victor Gunn, a pen name of British novelist Edwy Searles Brooks (1889–1965).

The title of the book and name of the author both use Tourist Gothic, Sol Hess’ expansion of Modern Gothic Condensed that added alternate caps and an italic style. Only the former has been digitized, and even then, with only one of the alternate E’s.

The back cover brings together  Extrabold for the title,  Italic for the author’s name, and  for the synopsis.
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by rauter25. License: CC BY-SA.

The back cover brings together Sans Serif Extrabold for the title, Century Oldstyle Italic for the author’s name, and Kennerley for the synopsis.


  • Tourist Gothic
  • ATF Garamond
  • Sans Serif
  • Century Oldstyle
  • Kennerley




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