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Fragments Flâneur book series

Contributed by Juanjo Lopez on Oct 28th, 2023. Artwork published in .
Fragments Flâneur book series 1
Source: Lorena Grandío. License: All Rights Reserved.

Fragments Flâneur follows the written trail that timeless authors have left in their work.

Each book in the collection collects some of the most outstanding fragments and passages from the work, diaries and letters of Marcel Proust, Henry David Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, Herman Melville or Gustave Flaubert, among others.

Graveur is the only typeface used by María Peinado in this collection by Editorial Flâneur.

Fragments Flâneur book series 2
Source: Lorena Grandío. License: All Rights Reserved.
Fragments Flâneur book series 3
Source: Lorena Grandío. License: All Rights Reserved.
Fragments Flâneur book series 4
Source: Lorena Grandío. License: All Rights Reserved.
Fragments Flâneur book series 5
Source: Lorena Grandío. License: All Rights Reserved.
Fragments Flâneur book series 6
Source: Lorena Grandío. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Graveur




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