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Christmas Greetings 1929 from Julia & Emil Georg Sahlin

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Dec 26th, 2023. Artwork published in .
“The home-made illustration and the handling of the words “Christmas” and “Greetings” to suggest starbeams feature this card by Emil Georg Sahlin, Buffalo”
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

“The home-made illustration and the handling of the words “Christmas” and “Greetings” to suggest starbeams feature this card by Emil Georg Sahlin, Buffalo”

Lichte Neuland, or Neuland Inline, was first cast by the Klingspor foundry in Offenbach, Germany, in 1928. Here it can be seen in early use for the 1929 Christmas card by Julia & Emil Georg Sahlin. The card was reproduced in the February 1930 issue of the Inland Printer. It was originally printed in color.

Emil Georg Sahlin was born on April 22, 1895, in Lund, Sweden, and emigrated to the United States. He worked at the Roycroft Print Shop in East Aurora, New York, together with his older brother Axel Edward Sahlin (1877–1956). The two brothers later were employed as compositors at the Aries Press in Eden, New York. In 1928, Emil left Aries to join Alex in the first typographic service in Buffalo and also continued his own venture, the Paradise Press, which he operated until his death in April 1983.

For a long time, URW Nueland was the only digital interpretation of Rudolf Koch’s design to include the Inline style. In December 2023, Poem published Koch Lichte Grotesk for this year’s centenary of Neuland. Designed by Edvinas Žukauskas and Jérôme Knebusch, it’s an accurate revival of the original 12 pt Cicero size.


  • Neuland licht
  • Futura




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