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Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile

Contributed by Quintana-Font on Feb 22nd, 2024. Artwork published in
March 2021
Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile 1
Photo: Quintana-Font. Marco Avilez. License: All Rights Reserved.

Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile (Constitutional Tendencies. Comparative Experiences and Lessons for Chile) is a book about the need for a new Chilean constitutional process to change the current national constitution, which was drafted during the civil-military dictatorship. Edited by Alejandro Corvalán and Francisco Soto, this book was published after the social uprising of 2019, which resulted in two failed processes of constitutional change.

Publisher LOM comments on the book:

This book identifies some vectors that can order the constituent conversation from the comparative analysis. Constitutional trends in the world are shown in three dimensions: State form, government system and fundamental rights. The Chilean Constitution, centralist, presidential in nature, and liberal in rights, distances itself from these international trends and represents rather an anachronism in comparative terms.

The layout was made exclusively with the Modérnica type family in different styles.

Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile 2
Photo: Quintana-Font. Marco Avilez. License: All Rights Reserved.
Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile 3
Photo: Quintana-Font. Marco Avilez. License: All Rights Reserved.
Note the different figure styles from Modérnica, here Old Style and Superior.
Photo: Quintana-Font. Marco Avilez. License: All Rights Reserved.

Note the different figure styles from Modérnica, here Old Style and Superior.

Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile 5
Photo: Quintana-Font. Marco Avilez. License: All Rights Reserved.
Tendencias constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile 6
Photo: Quintana-Font. Marco Avilez. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Modérnica




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