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Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat

Contributed by Ruben Lyon on Aug 31st, 2024. Artwork published in
circa October 2023
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 1
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.

Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat. Eine Spurensuche nach der jüdischen Tennisspielerin Nelly Neppach (“Tennis and a second home. Searching for traces of the Jewish tennis player Nelly Neppach”) is the title of my bachelor project made at the University of Arts Bremen.

From the editorial:

A multi-perspective research on the complex topic of antisemitism with the aim of raising awareness of exclusion(s) and their effects in our society. The starting point of this project is Nelly Neppach (1891−1933), one of the first successful German female tennis players, whose biography is widely unknown. She played for Tennis Borussia Berlin until April 1933, then resigned (under political pressure) and committed suicide in May of the same year. How can forgotten traces be made visible again? How can we deal with history in an empathetic way?

The text is set in Vinila by Plau and Velos Mono by Scifipoetry.

Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 2
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 3
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 4
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 5
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 6
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 7
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.
Weißer Sport und zweite Heimat 8
Ruben Lyon. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Vinila
  • Velos Mono




Artwork location

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