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Very old nuns?

Photo(s) by Henk Gianotten. Imported from Flickr on Apr 28, 2014.
Very old nuns?
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Henk Gianotten and tagged with “albertus” and “monotypealbertus”. License: All Rights Reserved.

This grave is on the cemetery St. Elisabeth in Lage Vuursche/Baarn (NL). It seems that the 2 oldest nuns were born in 1806 and 1809 and died in 1974. More than 165 years! This must be two typos. I think.



Artwork location

2 Comments on “Very old nuns?”

  1. The dates, would that be Century Old Style?

  2. Yes, maybe — hard to say for sure. The neck of ‘2’ appears more straight, but that might be due to the reproduction.

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