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Burlesque Paraphernalia and Side Degree Specialties and Costumes

Jacob Covey’s pitch-perfect typography sells a reprint of a 1930s catalog featuring odd devices and contraptions.

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Dec 21st, 2010. Artwork published in .
    Burlesque Paraphernalia

    František Štorm’s odd Bahnhof, recalling Eastern European mysticism and monumental inscriptions of the early 20th century, is seldom used, but it’s hard to imagine a better typeface to present the vaguely mystical topics of “arm-chair sadism” and vintage prankster machinery.

    Today, DeMoulin Bros. & Co. is one of the largest suppliers of costumes for marching bands in the United States. But in 1930 the company produced an amazing array of props and devices created specifically to be used in minor “hazing” of candidates in the side degrees of various fraternal organizations. — Fantagraphics

    For the small bits, Adobe Caslon with a subtle swash works just fine next to Fairfield. Contributor names are set in FF Newberlin, another underused typeface with references to pre-war hand lettering and, like Bahnhof, stone carved letters.


    • Fairfield
    • FF Newberlin
    • Bahnhof
    • Adobe Caslon




    Artwork location

    3 Comments on “Burlesque Paraphernalia and Side Degree Specialties and Costumes

    1. I also neglected to credit this book cover’s designer, Jacob Covey. Shame on me!

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