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Das Riesenbilderbuch by Ali Mitgutsch

Contributed by Ludwig Übele on Jun 20th, 2014. Artwork published in .
Das Riesenbilderbuch by Ali Mitgutsch 1
Photo: Ludwig Übele. License: All Rights Reserved.

Ali Mitgutsch invented the first Wimmelbücher in the 1960s. A wimmelbook is a special kind of illustrated book, richly detailed and mostly large in format. Das Riesenbilderbuch is a collection of drawings by Ali Mitgutsch in the format of 61×41.2 cm.

For the title a slightly condensed headline version of Brasil is used, which was only available for phototypesetting back then.

Das Riesenbilderbuch by Ali Mitgutsch 2
Photo: Ludwig Übele. License: All Rights Reserved.
Das Riesenbilderbuch by Ali Mitgutsch 3
Photo: Ludwig Übele. License: All Rights Reserved.



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