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Irving Farm coffee bags

Contributed by Andreas Seidel on May 12th, 2015. Artwork published in
circa 2011
Irving Farm coffee bags 1
Source: Irving Farm Coffee Roasters, New York. License: All Rights Reserved.

In their design makeover for Irving Farm coffee roasters, Louise Fili Ltd. used Ademo.

Irving Farm coffee bags 2
Source: Irving Farm Coffee Roasters, New York. License: All Rights Reserved.
Irving Farm coffee bags 3
Source: Irving Farm Coffee Roasters, New York. License: All Rights Reserved.




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3 Comments on “Irving Farm coffee bags”

  1. Irving Farm green label seems to be based from a Modified Gothic XX Condensed by Tubbs Company.

    A digital version is called Valjean font by Solotype

    The other type seems to be similar but will have to go through research material.

  2. Thanks again, Luke! It’s appreciated.

  3. On the Irving Farm the full name is Hamilton Modified Gothic X X Condensed

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