Created by Preslav Lefterov
Contributed by Yevgeniy Anfalov
Contributed by VJ-Type
Contributed by João Guedes
Get Glyptic DJR for free when you buy The Pyte Foundry’s Triptych. Just send a screenshot of your receipt to david at, and party like it’s 1879.
Contributed by Luca Pitoni
Contributed by Alain Papazian
Contributed by Mariam Darchiashvili
Contributed by Zach Wilke
Contributed by Adrien Menard
Contributed by Fat studio
Contributed by Out Of The Dark
Contributed by Jonny Black
Contributed by Blaze Type
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Contributed by Nicoletta Dalfino Spinelli
Contributed by Gerard Sierra
Contributed by Tais Ghelli
Contributed by Sang-Jin Lee
Contributed by tristan palmer
Contributed by Love Lagerkvist
Contributed by Sergio Martinez
Contributed by Richard Baird
Contributed by Swiss Typefaces
Contributed by ricordo
Contributed by Maxime P.
Contributed by Brandon McIntosh
Contributed by Aileen Burkhardt
Contributed by Emtype Foundry
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Letters from Sweden
Contributed by Roland Hörmann
Contributed by R-Typography
Contributed by Yotam Hadar
Contributed by Indra Kupferschmid