A generic entry for the style of Schwabacher that evolved around
1650 [Kapr]. Often named Alte Schwabacher to
distinguish it from Neue
Schwabacher. Versions of this style were carried by most
German foundries. C.F. Rühl had a version
of note that was later continued by Berthold.
In 1926, various interpretations with different details were
available under names like Alte Schwabacher (Berthold,
Genzsch & Heyse), Alt-Schwabacher 14 (Stempel),
Original-Schwabacher (Krebs/Poppelbaum) [Seemann].
Berthold’s digital version (known as Alte Schwabacher
BQ or Berthold Alte Schwabacher, used for
sample) is different More…
A generic entry for the style of Schwabacher that evolved around 1650 [Kapr]. Often named Alte Schwabacher to distinguish it from Neue Schwabacher. Versions of this style were carried by most German foundries. C.F. Rühl had a version of note that was later continued by Berthold.
In 1926, various interpretations with different details were available under names like Alte Schwabacher (Berthold, Genzsch & Heyse), Alt-Schwabacher 14 (Stempel), Original-Schwabacher (Krebs/Poppelbaum) [Seemann].
Berthold’s digital version (known as Alte Schwabacher BQ or Berthold Alte Schwabacher, used for sample) is different in the details (or based on a different size?), see especially ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘G’, ‘M’, ‘g’, ‘r’. The versions by URW/Elsner+Flake (narrower ‘N’), Dieter Steffmann, and RMU are largely identical. Gerhard Helzel’s Alte Schwabacher comes in two sizes (20pt and 10pt), based on type by Offizin Andersen-Nexö.