Designed in 1969 by Les Lawrence based on his layered sculptural
work. Submitted to Face Photosetting [Debbie
Lawrence] and made available before 1971 [Modern
Publicity]. Comes in many styles: Stack, Stack Mono,
Stack Multiline, Stack Inline, Stack Shaded, Stack Bar, Stack Bar
Half Solid, and Stack Bar Shaded
Photosetting]. Other names include Stack Multifine
and Stack Rimmed [Reichardt],
though these may not be additional styles. Shown in
Nostalgia booklet (1972). Adopted for dry transfer
lettering by Mecanorma (1972 [Ariadne]),
Letraset (before 1976 [Modern
Publicity]), and Chartpak.
There are various unauthorized freebie digitizations, including
Reverb (Rafael Dinner, 1993). CAT
Stack (Peter Wiegel, 2017) offers an expanded language
support incl. Greek and Cyrillic. More…
Designed in 1969 by Les Lawrence based on his layered sculptural work. Submitted to Face Photosetting [Debbie Lawrence] and made available before 1971 [Modern Publicity]. Comes in many styles: Stack, Stack Mono, Stack Multiline, Stack Inline, Stack Shaded, Stack Bar, Stack Bar Half Solid, and Stack Bar Shaded [Face Photosetting]. Other names include Stack Multifine and Stack Rimmed [Reichardt], though these may not be additional styles. Shown in Photo-Lettering’s Nostalgia booklet (1972). Adopted for dry transfer lettering by Mecanorma (1972 [Ariadne]), Letraset (before 1976 [Modern Publicity]), and Chartpak.
There are various unauthorized freebie digitizations, including Reverb (Rafael Dinner, 1993). CAT Stack (Peter Wiegel, 2017) offers an expanded language support incl. Greek and Cyrillic. Stacker (Bright Ideas, c. 1999) is a reinterpretation with lowercase. Inspired Grow (Dinamo).