A revival and expansion of Worcester
Old Face (Monotype UK, 1925). Designed by Adrian
Williams in 1974 [Linotype]
for Fonts/Ingrama SA [Wallis]. (And for
Typsettra?) Typeshop shows Worcester Round in
3 weights plus one italic style.
[Typeshop c.
1977] A c. 1980s Headliners
catalog shows neo-Worcester in 5 weights plus Outline and Shadow styles. The
LinoTypeCollection catalog from 1987 shows Worcester
Round in 3 weights plus 1
italic and 1 outlined style and credits VGC as the source. Shown in
Brendel Informatik’s Faces catalog (1989) as
Worcester, in 3 weights.
Digital versions include Worcester Round (URW),
Worchester [sic!] More…
A revival and expansion of Worcester Old Face (Monotype UK, 1925). Designed by Adrian Williams in 1974 [Linotype] for Fonts/Ingrama SA [Wallis]. (And for Typsettra?) Typeshop shows Worcester Round in 3 weights plus one italic style. [Typeshop c. 1977] A c. 1980s Headliners catalog shows neo-Worcester in 5 weights plus Outline and Shadow styles. The LinoTypeCollection catalog from 1987 shows Worcester Round in 3 weights plus 1 italic and 1 outlined style and credits VGC as the source. Shown in Brendel Informatik’s Faces catalog (1989) as Worcester, in 3 weights.
Digital versions include Worcester Round (URW), Worchester [sic!] Round (Scangraphic, Elsner+Flake), Worcester Rounded (Linotype), Worcester Serial (SoftMaker).