Issued by Gursch in 5 styles; mager (1907), halbfett, eng (1908), schmal fett (1909), and fett (1910). Later cast by Berthold. [Seemann]
Some styles were adapted for the Linotype. The Seemann addendum from 1929 lists Enge Königtype mit Halbfetter (the sample shows a different face of regular width for the former) and two condensed styles of a König-Fraktur, schmal halbfett and schmal fett (equivalent to König-Type eng and schmal fett). Not to be confused with Heinz-König-Setzmaschinen-Fraktur (Linotype, 1913).
All 5 styles of the foundry version were digitized by Gerhard Helzel in 1995–2012. The eng is based on the 48pt size. The sample shows the fett.