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Bahnhof Landeck-Zams

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Jul 27th, 2016. Artwork published in
circa 2004
Bahnhof Landeck-Zams 1
Source: Photo by Albert-Jan Pool. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Landeck-Zams rail station near Tyrol, Austria as shot by Albert-Jan Pool:

The Landeck station name could originally have been painted after a lettering model or typeface which was later also used by Ed Benguiat for creating ITC Benguiat in the 1970s. Or the original Jugendstil lettering has been replaced by ITC Benguiat …

Originally erected in 1883, the building was renovated in 2004 which is when this sign may have appeared. According to the comments on Pool’s photo, the Jugendstil aesthetic of ITC Benguiat doesn’t reflect the original train station signage of the region.

Detail of previous photo.
License: All Rights Reserved.

Detail of previous photo.

Reconstruction of the building in 2004.
Source: Photo by Josef Saurwein. License: CC BY-SA.

Reconstruction of the building in 2004.



Artwork location

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