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CUAC 2016 Halloween Happening & Fundraiser

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Oct 22nd, 2016. Artwork published in
October 2016
CUAC 2016 Halloween Happening & Fundraiser 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

A delightful flyer advertising a costume party (dress as your favorite contemporary artist or piece of art) to raise funds for a small art center. CUAC interns Jacqueline Scheider and Kathryn Nelson designed the flyer with minor assistance from Jesse Walker. The type is a freebie version of Novel Gothic. Fortunately, these few glyphs don’t reveal the worst of this sloppy digitization. This classic ATF face still lacks a proper revival.

Formerly Central Utah Art Center, CUAC recently moved from their home of 20 years in Ephraim, Utah due to censorship by the small town’s officials. “This new chapter in CUAC’s ambitious mission will happen in downtown Salt Lake City, moving from the geographic center of Utah to the cultural center of Utah.” — CUAC

CUAC 2016 Halloween Happening & Fundraiser 2
License: All Rights Reserved.




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2 Comments on “CUAC 2016 Halloween Happening & Fundraiser”

  1. Worth noting: This invitation imitates the design of the Clue board game, and more specfically some of the promotional artwork that was used for the 1985 movie based on that board game.

  2. Thank you! I knew it felt familiar. The Clue posters used ITC Kabel along with Novel Gothic.

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