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One-Trick Pony album art and movie poster

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Jun 26th, 2017. Artwork published in .
One-Trick Pony album art and movie poster 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Alan Peckolick, Teaching Type to Talk, 2013:

I designed the logo, record jacket, and posters for musician Paul Simon’s album and movie, One-Trick Pony, which came out in 1980. I used the typeface Avant Garde Latin with pointy serifs, which had never been released to the public, and broke up the word “One-Trick” with a hyphen. It’s strong, in your face, and the right look.

One-Trick Pony album art and movie poster 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
One-Trick Pony album art and movie poster 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
One-Trick Pony album art and movie poster 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
The Kabel used here is some 1970s phototype version with large lowercase, but it’s not ITC Kabel.
Source: Image: FFF Movie Posters. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Kabel used here is some 1970s phototype version with large lowercase, but it’s not ITC Kabel.

4 Comments on “One-Trick Pony album art and movie poster”

  1. Kabel could be Cable by Letraset, used commonly at this time. Surprised Latin was never released, it would have made a dynamic trio with Garde and Graph.

  2. Good idea, Cave. I checked my Letraset catalogs from that period and see three Cable styles. Light and Heavy are same as Stempel’s metal design. The Light doesn’t have the large x-height shown on this poster. Though Letraset did have their own “Ultra Heavy” which was new to me.

    Letraset Cable

  3. BTW, there is now a Neue Kabel which offers new proportions.

  4. Photo-Lettering had a Kabel Maxi (meaning enlarged lowercase, like Futura Maxi), which is quite close, but still not a match (see angle of e).

    Kabel from Photo-Lettering

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