Post Office Nineteen Fifty One, Review of Post Office Activities
Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Sep 20th, 2017. Artwork published in
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2 Comments on “Post Office Nineteen Fifty One, Review of Post Office Activities”
Gurner was H. Karl Görner, who had trained as a punchcutter in Frankfurt. He moved to Sheffield and took up a post at Stephenson Blake, where he spent the rest of his career. (Sources on him are James Mosley on Typophile and Roy Millington’s history of Stephenson Blake, page 129, which says he was recommended to them by his half-British employer in Frankfurt, William Kirkwood.) That they called him that doesn’t imply much good about SB’s internationalization efforts…
Outstanding — Görner, of course! Thank you, Blythwood. I’ve amended the info on the typeface page.