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Mezzoforte – Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins (1981) and Surprise Surprise (1982)

Contributed by Sverrir Pálsson on Dec 9th, 2017. Artwork published in
circa 1981
Mezzoforte – Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins (1981) and Surprise Surprise (1982) 1
License: All Rights Reserved.

Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins is the third album by Mezzoforte, released only in Iceland in 1981 on Steinar. Even though the third album’s title track was translated as Surprise, the album is sometimes referred to in English as Dreamland, which is the only song from the album released on a single, thus it can’t be confused with their fourth album, titled Surprise Surprise.

Surprise Surprise is Mezzoforte’s fourth album, from 1982. It was originally released in Iceland as 4 with a different cover, but the record company decided to use the cover of the previous Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins for the international release. [Wikipedia]

Mezzoforte – Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins (1981) and Surprise Surprise (1982) 2
License: All Rights Reserved.
Mezzoforte – Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins (1981) and Surprise Surprise (1982) 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
Mezzoforte – Þvílíkt Og Annað Eins (1981) and Surprise Surprise (1982) 4
License: All Rights Reserved.

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