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New Freedom ad (1973)

Contributed by mhinrichs on Sep 20th, 2012. Artwork published in .
New Freedom ad (1973)
License: All Rights Reserved.

Ad for New Freedom sanitary napkins from McCall’s magazine, March 1973.

5 Comments on “New Freedom ad (1973)”

  1. That’s not ITC Kabel, it’s Koch’s original Kabel Black. ITC didn’t do their version until 1976.

  2. I tried to comment on this a couple of days ago, but the comment was deleted or something…

    Anyway, it’s not ITC Kabel, it’s the older version, specifically Kabel Black. The ITC version wasn’t released until 1976 and looks quite different. 

  3. Our excuses, we were a little slow with the comment moderation.

  4. Cool, thanks!

    Sorry for being such a pest, but the one on the Patagonia page should be Kabel Black as well……

  5. No pest at all, thanks for the heads-up! Changing is easy now that I made a custom Kabel Black sample anyway :) Please continue to keep a sharp eye on the site.

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