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Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Sep 26th, 2012. Artwork published in .
Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

French graphic artist Vahram Muratyan launched his Paris vs New York blog in the fall of 2010 and it quickly became an internet sensation, leading to a book in 2012. The clever simplicity of the illustrations and immediacy of the subject are the main attractions, but I think the project’s popularity is also due in large part to the signature typeface, Cabernet, Jason Walcott’s (somewhat imperfect) digital revival of the ebulliant and swashy Benguiat Caslon, released by Photo-Lettering in the 1970s.

One can access a more careful rendition of the original typeface at House Industries’ Photo-Lettering service, but I’m not sure all those crazy swashes are available there.

Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities 5
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities 6
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




Artwork location

2 Comments on “Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities”

  1. Juliana says:
    Mar 6th, 2021 3:26 pm

    I want this typography just for will use little works in my classroom and my personal mark.

    Juliana Andrade

  2. Hello Juliana, we as Fonts In Use don’t distribute any fonts.

    Cabernet is available for licensing from Jukebox.

    You can alternatively use Plinc Caslon, which is the official digitization of the original Benguiat Caslon. Plinc Caslon can be licensed from House Industries, or rented via Fontstand. The latter is an affordable option if you want to use the fonts for a limited time only. (You can continue to use images or documents designed with the fonts after the rental period.)

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