Pizzeria Bebu is a fresh take on classic thin-crust pizza. Bud Rodecker created an identity system that is a new take on Italian iconography with fresh ingredients. The base of the logo is the red wedge, topped with an “Italian” reverse stress typeface, and custom lettering for “Pizzeria.” While the parts aren’t authentic Italian ingredients, when combined they represent the Bebu way.
The type selection for “Bebu” is Arbor by Vllg a reverse stress typeface. Reverse stress typefaces are also sometimes categorized as Italian, although their origin in Italy is questionable. Most likely, they were labeled Italian as a marketing gimmick to sell fonts.
“‘Pizzeria’ is set in a custom typeface that uses American ingredients with an Italian flair. The discovery of a new stressed sans serif letterform came by overlapping two Zs of Trade Gothic Extended, a classic American Typeface. From there we extended it to an uppercase alphabet for Pizzeria Bebu's secondary typography.” — Thirst