Thinking Big poster Contributed by Nick Sherman on Sep 30th, 2012. Artwork published in 2011. Like6Add to Set Source: Photo: Nick Sherman. License: CC BY-NC-SA. Typefaces More about FB Titling GothicGet FB Titling Gothic Formats Posters/Flyers (3490) Topics Event (1810) Architecture (869) Education/Academia (1360) Designers/Agencies Pentagram (89) Michael Bierut (20) Yve Ludwig (1) Tagged withblack and white (1464)Yale (6)Yale School of Architecture (6)big type (1085)wall of type (237) In Sets Yale (Roque Strew) (9) Favorite sans (Roque Strew) (18) Selection (Francisco Besa) (125) Poster Project (Meredith White) (35) Best of Black and White (Stephen Coles) (22) favorite (fei) (8) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Rich Text Editor, comment_textEditor toolbarsBasic Styles BoldKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+B ItalicKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+ILinks LinkKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+K Unlinkimages ImageParagraph Block QuotePress ALT 0 for help◢ Submit Comment More FB Titling Gothic in use All Eyes On Hip Hop2017Stephanie SpechtContributed by Benoît BodhuinMore about ZIGZAGGet ZIGZAGMore about FB Titling GothicGet FB Titling GothicMore about SofiaGet Sofia Newsweek redesign, Mar 20112011Dirk BarnettSean NoyceLindsay BallantContributed by Stephen ColesMore about FB Titling GothicGet FB Titling GothicMore about Acta PosterGet Acta PosterMore about ActaGet Acta Newsweek & The Daily Beast Covers (2011)2011Contributed by Font BureauMore about FB Titling GothicGet FB Titling Gothic Sponsor Darden Studio You are cordially invited to get our fonts before everyone else. Early releases from Darden Studio More in Event Pacioli presentation, Kerning 20172017Antonio CavedoniContributed by Darden Studio Staff Pick More about Halyard DisplayGet Halyard DisplayMore about Halyard TextGet Halyard TextMore about Halyard MicroGet Halyard Micro Resonate: Thinking Sound and Space2018Studio NajbrtContributed by ExtraktemMore about DocumanGet Documan Finntastic Festival2022Lari MöröContributed by Benoît BodhuinMore about GikitGet GikitMore about ScarlaGet Scarla Tipos Latinos 6th Biennale catalogue2014Luis RomanqueLeonidad Loyola ValenzuelaMaría de los Ángeles BrionesContributed by PampaType TeamMore about AmsterGet Amster More in Posters/Flyers Molenberg Sandwich Shop2016special groupContributed by Daniel McQueen (TDF)More about Onehunga SansGet Onehunga Sans IIT Architecture Chicagoc. 2014mainstudioEdwin van GelderContributed by edwin van gelderMore about TheinhardtGet Theinhardt Théâtre Musical de Paris Châtelet visual identity systemc. 2019GraphéineContributed by Graphéine Staff Pick More about LL AkkuratGet LL Akkurat Crash: Homage to JG Ballard at the Gagosian Gallery2010Graphic Thought FacilityContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick More about StopGet StopMore about ConcordeGet Concorde More Fonts In Use The Sunday Times posters1960Patrick TilleyContributed by Tânia Raposo Staff Pick More about TimesGet Times Artrosil B1 ad1949Franco GrignaniContributed by Indra Kupferschmid Staff Pick More about Breite halbfette GroteskGet Breite halbfette Grotesk Playing with Earth and Sky2016Eric BrooksContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick More about SélavyGet SélavyMore about FrescoGet FrescoMore about Fresco SansGet Fresco Sans Pasolini Roma2013Spassky FischerMaquette & Mise en pageLaure AfchainContributed by Bureau Brut Staff Pick More about Ostia AnticaGet Ostia Antica