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Pan brand sweets/candies

Contributed by Thiago on Sep 6th, 2018. Artwork published in
circa 2017
Pan brand sweets/candies 1
Source: Chocolate Pan. License: All Rights Reserved.

PAN – Produtos Alimentícios Nacionais S.A. (“National Food Products Inc.”), better known simply as Pan, is a Brazilian company based in the city of São Caetano do Sul, in the state of São Paulo. Established in 1935, they are known for their chocolates and sweets.

Lápis means pencil. Chocolápis are sticks of chocolate styled after pencils. However, they are not quite as long as pencils: they are in fact the descendant of a similar previous version which was styled after cigarettes (Cigarrinhos de chocolate), presumably retired due to being deemed inappropriate for children.

Passas cobertas com chocolate means “raisins covered in chocolate”. Also featured in this post are chocolate gold coins (chocolate discs wrapped in shiny foil), cognac bombons, and a chocolate covered in candies which they call “Petit”. Even more of their products may be found at their website and in stores near their home city.

Vintage Cigarrinho de chocolate packaging from 1959, featuring a picture of Paulinho Pompéia (left) and caps from Franklin Gothic.
Source: Chocolate Pan. License: All Rights Reserved.

Vintage Cigarrinho de chocolate packaging from 1959, featuring a picture of Paulinho Pompéia (left) and caps from Franklin Gothic.

Passas cobertas com Chocolate in ITC Benguiat.
Source: Chocolate Pan. License: All Rights Reserved.

Passas cobertas com Chocolate in ITC Benguiat.

Reporter for Moedas de Chocolate ao Leite
Source: Chocolate Pan. License: All Rights Reserved.

Reporter for Moedas de Chocolate ao Leite

Bombom com recheio sabor Conhaque, set in Kuenstler Script Medium.
Source: Chocolate Pan. License: All Rights Reserved.

Bombom com recheio sabor Conhaque, set in Kuenstler Script Medium.

Mistral for Petit
Source: Chocolate Pan. License: All Rights Reserved.

Mistral for Petit

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