Put Some Kraut in Your Life
Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Sep 18th, 2018. Artwork published in
circa 1975
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4 Comments on “Put Some Kraut in Your Life”
Every aspect of this is outrageously groovy. What a fun typeface—won’t someone please digitize this? I’m sure there would be a market for something this unique.
Thanks for posting this treasure – I love it!
I assume that the rights lie with House Industries who acquired the Photo-Lettering assets. If enough potential licensees nag them, I can imagine that they bring Ginger Snap to new life.
I guess that Shin Oka of Daylight Fonts digitized Ginger Snap, possibly back in 2009.
Yes, it looks like that. As far as I can tell it’s not released, though.
There is an interpretation by Rafael Nascimento in 2021 as Volume Round, with Peter Steiner’s Black Body and Black Pepper also the reference.