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Mogollon No25

Contributed by Blaze Type on Sep 27th, 2018. Artwork published in
circa 2018
Mogollon No25 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Cover image for a music mix by design agency Mogollon, using Blaze Type’s Apoc.

Music is […] an essential part of Mogollon’s DNA. Since 2003 we’ve been creating extensive and exotic compilations of music mixes that have captured the attention of music lovers. Every Mogollon mix has a carefully curated selection of music that goes from unknown world rhythms, rare oldies tracks, obscure disco, new releases, bluegrass and country, jazz, soundtracks and classical but most importantly, synth pop, post-punk and dark wave. The idea behind creating this mixes is to shine light and celebrate rare, exotic, old, modern and unique music from all over the world.

For every mix we’ve designed a cover as if it was an LP. Most covers and mixes can be found in the radio link at our website. The image featured here is the cover for our last mix – Mogollon No.25 – coming out the first week of October, 2018.

Mogollon No25 2
License: All Rights Reserved.




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