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Warriors of Mars – Edward P. Bradbury (Lancer Books)

Contributed by Michael Chabon on Dec 9th, 2018. Artwork published in .
    Warriors of Mars – Edward P. Bradbury (Lancer Books)
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    The first of Michael Moorcock’s pseudonymous, enjoyable pastiches of Edgar Rice Burroughs’s “John Carter of Mars” series.

    Cover art by Gray Morrow.


    • Pacella Decatur
    • Trade Gothic




    Artwork location

    4 Comments on “Warriors of Mars – Edward P. Bradbury (Lancer Books)”

    1. Thanks for this contribution, Michael! The typeface used for author and title is Decatur, designed by Vincent Pacella for Photo-Lettering, Inc. It came with a number of biform alternates, some of which (A, I) are used here. Pacella Decatur can be found in PLINC’s Alphabet Thesaurus Vol. 3 (1971), but not in Vol. 2 (1965), so this cover from 1966 probably represents an early use.

    2. Correction: Decatur is included in Alphabet Thesaurus Vol. 2, too. No early use.

    3. What is that rope is tied to?

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