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Soneto wine (fictional)

Contributed by Roberto Espartero García on Mar 1st, 2019. Artwork published in
July 2018
Soneto wine (fictional) 1
Source: Roberto Espartero García. License: All Rights Reserved.

Druk Condensed and Futura are paired for this student assignment for the Gauss Multimedia school.

The most harmonious poetic composition is the sonnet. It is also the most difficult to build. A sonnet is like a work of watchmaking or architecture where everything must be millimeter-balanced; If a single element fails, the whole set will come down.

For this reason, the Gran Reserva of the Zamorano winery Arbocala is called Soneto, for its surprising balance, because everything is where it should be to reach a wine of the highest quality, smooth in its right measure and tough, but noble, nothing aggressive.

Soneto wine (fictional) 2
Source: Roberto Espartero García. License: All Rights Reserved.
Soneto wine (fictional) 3
Source: Roberto Espartero García. License: All Rights Reserved.
Soneto wine (fictional) 4
Source: Roberto Espartero García. License: All Rights Reserved.
Soneto wine (fictional) 5
Source: Roberto Espartero García. License: All Rights Reserved.




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2 Comments on “Soneto wine (fictional)”

  1. In case someone did not notice, the box features sequences of lines in a scheme of two quartets (4-line stanzas) followed by two tercets (3-line stanzas), just like a sonnet does!

    Well, unless you’re Shakespeare or Spenser – their sonnets have three quartets and one couplet (2-line stanza). Maybe they have a rival wine.

  2. @Thiago That’s right! :)

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