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Cucurico restaurant

Contributed by Denis Serebryakov on Apr 9th, 2019. Artwork published in
March 2018
    Cucurico restaurant 1
    Source: This is Pacifica. License: All Rights Reserved.

    The brand for the churrasqueira (Portuguese chicken grill-house) Cucurico was designed by Pacifica. The logo uses Rozza, with a cock’s tail in place of the i dot. Rozza comes with a number of unusual ligatures. The ur ligature featured here is a custom addition, though. The architecture and space design for the location in the LxFactory complex in Alcântara, Lisbon was developed by DC.AD.

    Brand design: This is Pacifica
    Architecture: Duarte Caldas
    Project Manager: Catarina Mascarenhas
    Engineering: Acribia
    Photography: Francisco Nogueira

    Cucurico restaurant 2
    Source: Francisco Nogueira. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Cucurico restaurant 3
    Source: Francisco Nogueira. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Rozza




    Artwork location

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