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John B. Martin, Bicycle Trick Rider, Lancaster, Pa.

Photo(s) by Alan Mays. Imported from Flickr on Jul 30, 2019. Artwork published in
circa 1903
    John B. Martin, Bicycle Trick Rider, Lancaster, Pa.
    Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Alan Mays and tagged with “oldstylebold” and “duerer”. License: All Rights Reserved.

    The Lancaster City Directory for 1903 listed John B. Martin (1875–1906) as a bicycle repairer and gave his address as 421 N. Prince Street, so it seems likely that this business card with the same information dates to about the same time.

    I haven’t uncovered any information regarding Martin’s career as a trick rider, nor have I found any reference to the athletic grounds and banked bicycle track that he operated on Prince Street.

    Martin died on March 19, 1906. He was only 30 years old and left behind three young daughters.

    David Bachman Landis of Pluck Art Printery printed Martin’s business card.

    J. B. Martin, Wheels to Hire.
    Martin the Trick Rider.
    First-Class Bicycle Repairing. Athletic Grounds in the Rear.
    Come and see the new banked Bicycle Track.
    421 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa.
    Half Square North of P.R.R. Freight Depot.


    • Old Style Bold
    • Duerer
    • Dante (BB&S)
    • Archaic




    Artwork location

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