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Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell album art

Contributed by David Jonathan Ross on Aug 5th, 2019. Artwork published in
September 1977
Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell album art 1
Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.

This Bradley use makes me happy.
The bold album art is counterbalanced with information set with light weight capitals, using Trade Gothic or similar.

Cover concept: Jim Steinman
Design: Ed Lee
Illustration: Richard Corben
Photography: Frank Laffitte

Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell album art 2
Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.




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3 Comments on “Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell album art”

  1. James E Litzinger says:
    Aug 6th, 2019 6:59 pm

    This album’s artwork was a showoff masterpiece to show a new Phantom of the Opera. This album in full and the other two bats showed a rock ’n roll equipment to Phantom of the Opera.

    Being that of love, romance, danger and so much excitement the true to pick ’n roll fan to burst (combust!) into flames. This album will be the here for generations to come. People in the future will come this understanding you have Phantom of the Opera and the biggest comparable to that Bat Out of Hell and the other two bats! Can’t wait to see the musical (and how about a movie!) These would rock. Let’s give applause to the two who did this (Jim Steinman & Meat Loaf). It took great passion even to release it themselves on their own (not to commercialize it) but make it their own (kind of Disney with an R rating!). Hands up and a giant applause, nothing will ever compare to the romantic beauty of this rock ’n roll opera. Folks, give praise where it is due for genius!

  2. I believe that’s Lightline Gothic on the album cover. Sort of a nod to Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run” album that was released two years prior.

    Looks like Trade Gothic on the back.

  3. Thanks, Ryan – quite possible. Added. Lightline Gothic basically is News Gothic Light, and Trade Gothic is Linotype’s News Gothic plus Alternate Gothic. As soon as you look beyond metal type, the names and boundaries start to blur, and you’ll find faces actually named “News Gothic Light”.

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