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Temple magazine Nº7 “No Limit”

Contributed by Lucas Descroix on Dec 16th, 2019. Artwork published in
June 2019
Cover with lettering by Alice Gavin (Groupe CCC) and text set in Syne Extra and Mono.
Source: Temple&Fils. License: All Rights Reserved.

Cover with lettering by Alice Gavin (Groupe CCC) and text set in Syne Extra and Mono.

From the Temple&Fils website:

Founded in December 2017 by Anaïs Allias and Margaux Salarino, Temple is an independent magazine for art, fashion and graphic experimentation. It features contemporary designers and artists. The images are constructed by a principle of appropriation, reintervention and collage based on the contributions sent. The magazine consists of interviews, conversations and essays by creators gathered around a different theme in each issue.

The 7th issue of Temple magazine revolves around the theme “No Limit”. It features several photography series and interviews, in a daring layout making good use of Bonjour Monde’s Syne as well as several display typefaces by Groupe CCC and hand-drawn letterings by Anaïs Allias.

Several bookmarks are included in the issue, created by guest designers (Axel Pelletanche, Mathieu Selvatici, Matthieu Michaut, Revue Diorama, Golgotha).

Title in all-caps Cobra, text in Syne Regular.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Title in all-caps Cobra, text in Syne Regular.

Title in YG-droge, text in Syne Mono and Bold.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Title in YG-droge, text in Syne Mono and Bold.

A wavy column with text in Syne Regular and Italic.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

A wavy column with text in Syne Regular and Italic.

Lettering by Anaïs Allias, text in Syne Regular, Italic and Bold.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Lettering by Anaïs Allias, text in Syne Regular, Italic and Bold.

Pull quote in an unidentified typeface, text in Syne Regular, Italic and Mono.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Pull quote in an unidentified typeface, text in Syne Regular, Italic and Mono.

Handwritten text by Anaïs Allias.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Handwritten text by Anaïs Allias.

Temple magazine Nº7 “No Limit” 8
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.
Titles and text in Cobra.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Titles and text in Cobra.

Bookmarks with texts by Baptiste Rossi, designed by (from left to right) Axel Pelletanche (ft.  and ), Mathieu Selvatici (FF DIN), Matthieu Michaut ( and ), Revue Diorama (), and Golgotha.
Source: Temple&Files. License: All Rights Reserved.

Bookmarks with texts by Baptiste Rossi, designed by (from left to right) Axel Pelletanche (ft. Futura Condensed and Jannon), Mathieu Selvatici (FF DIN), Matthieu Michaut (Avara and Fivo Sans Modern), Revue Diorama (Mesh), and Golgotha.

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