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Pfeiffer logo

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Nov 4th, 2019. Artwork published in
circa 1976
    Pfeiffer logo 1
    Photo: © Triest Verlag. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Othmar Motter and his studio Vorarlberger Grafik have left a lasting mark upon the visual landscape of their home state of Vorarlberg, Austria (and far beyond). The identity of Pfeiffer GmbH & Co KG, a scaffolding company located in Lauterach (a neighboring town of Hard) and established in 1976, is no exception.

    The logo is based on Motter Tektura. The P descender was elongated, and the e extended to connect to the following letter. In some applications, the double f gets a descender as well. Via this logo, Tektura even made it to the top of Hard’s church, among other places.

    The photos were kindly provided by Triest Verlag. Earlier this year, Triest has published the long-awaited Motter biography, edited and designed by Elias Riedmann and titled Othmar Motter – Meister der Extrabold (“Master of the Extrabold”).

    Pfeiffer logo 2
    Photo: © Triest Verlag. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pfeiffer logo 3
    Photo: © Triest Verlag. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pfeiffer logo 4
    Photo: © Triest Verlag. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Motter Tektura




    Artwork location

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