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Cult Classic, Issue 03 “Nocturnal”

Contributed by Chloë Miller on Apr 9th, 2020. Artwork published in
April 2019
Lifted Serif by Regan Fred Johnson, slanted, on top of GT America with glow effect.
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.

Lifted Serif by Regan Fred Johnson, slanted, on top of GT America with glow effect.

Cult Classic magazine is a Portland-based collective commissioning and publishing creative works across the country. The magazine serves as a platform to preserve, promote and support independent and underground creatives.

The vibrant layouts and innovative use of type is the work of Portland, OR based FISK. Throughout the spreads you’ll find Civilitate, Gooper, Lifted, and Nostra (all on Future Fonts), as well as GT America and GT America Mono from Grilli Type. Issue 03 is dedicated to the nocturnal:

The enigmatic period between dusk and dawn creates a moment of metamorphosis: swapping business casual for the fantastical, escaping the confines of a cubicle for the sanctuary of the discotheque, performing that nightly ritual to start the cycle all over again. This issue of Cult Classic illuminates those who come alive in the night; the hidden, the inexplicable and those who are tirelessly honing their craft while everyone else has called it a day.

Loris Olivier’s Civilitate Hairline for The Hoodwitch.
License: All Rights Reserved.

Loris Olivier’s Civilitate Hairline for The Hoodwitch.

GT America sandwiched by Kyle Benson’s Gooper, all in big shaded caps on top of a radial gradient.
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.

GT America sandwiched by Kyle Benson’s Gooper, all in big shaded caps on top of a radial gradient.

Page numbers from Nostra Stream by Lucas Descroix.
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.

Page numbers from Nostra Stream by Lucas Descroix.

More Gooper for the feature about Rachel True, including the italics in a left, right, up, down treatment.
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.

More Gooper for the feature about Rachel True, including the italics in a left, right, up, down treatment.

GT America by Noël Leu and Seb McLauchlan is used in several widths.
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.

GT America by Noël Leu and Seb McLauchlan is used in several widths.

A slanted  with alternate E and a customized i dot, intertwined with stretched GT America.
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.

A slanted ITC Edwardian Script with alternate E and a customized i dot, intertwined with stretched GT America.

Cult Classic, Issue 03 “Nocturnal” 8
FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.
Cult Classic, Issue 03 “Nocturnal” 9
Source: FISK. License: All Rights Reserved.
Each issue of Cult Classic comes in three different cover variants. The covers for issue 03 are dedicated to fashion deisgner Barbara Sánchez-Kane, mysticism website The Hoodwitch, and rapper Deem Spencer.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Each issue of Cult Classic comes in three different cover variants. The covers for issue 03 are dedicated to fashion deisgner Barbara Sánchez-Kane, mysticism website The Hoodwitch, and rapper Deem Spencer.

Cult Classic, Issue 03 “Nocturnal” 11
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Cult Classic, Issue 03 “Nocturnal” 12
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

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