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Prague City Theater

Contributed by TypeTogether on Jan 29th, 2013. Artwork published in .
Prague City Theater 1
Source: TypeTogether. License: All Rights Reserved.

Adelle is being used in the rebranding of Prague’s City Theater, ABC and Roccoco.

Lumir Kajnar, the designer, describes the development:

Městká divadla pražská (Prague City Theater) is an important institution in Prague’s cultural life planted in the city center. It consists of two scenes with a rich history, different repertoire and audience, theater ABC and Rococo. The two separate visual identities have been brought together in one during a significant rebranding in 2006. The new unified identity with a distinctive green-black-white color combination communicated mainly the abbreviation MDP (Městká divadla pražská) as new brand name. However even after years of targeted communication, it failed to firmly anchor the main brand of MDP.

A change was needed. The requirement for uniformity of style remained, but the structure of the brand expanded to better duplicate the real role of individual actors, creating the main logotype and further the logo for the umbrella institution and the individual scenes. Historically there was no common symbol, so a very typographically based logo was chosen featuring Adelle supported by Encore (Parachute foundry). It plays with the composition of individual words. The inspiration for the final version was the map of the house, where the theater is located. It is a labyrinth of alleyways and passages that resemble a tangle of city streets. The map belongs to the city as well as a theater to the life in the city. People need to orientate themselves not only the streets but also within culture. Městká divadla pražská is a theater for everyone. Each graphic layout is like a section of a map, with variable detail, where each color area resemble blocks of houses and the thick white lines between them are streets. The color scheme was maintained; Rococo theater remained black, ABC Theater has a green color. An important element of communication are photographs and illustrations that are clean and free of text. They act as a visual stage with their own tale undisturbed by typography.

Prague City Theater 2
Source: TypeTogether. License: All Rights Reserved.
Prague City Theater 3
Source: TypeTogether. License: All Rights Reserved.
Prague City Theater 4
Source: TypeTogether. License: All Rights Reserved.
Prague City Theater 5
Source: TypeTogether. License: All Rights Reserved.




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