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Stencil signs for student housing building, Roubaix

Contributed by Sandrine Nugue on Mar 14th, 2022. Artwork published in .
    Stencil signs for student housing building, Roubaix 1
    Thanh Phong Lê. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Orientation is a stencil typeface originally commissioned by Paris-based designer Thanh Phong Lê (Travaux-Pratiques) with the simple brief of creating a geometric typeface that could be fabricated as stencils for the wayfinding system of Résidence 217, a new student housing building in Roubaix, France. Shown here is this original application of the initial weight.

    Orientation was subsequently expanded to a full family of three weights and matching italics. As the weight range progresses from light to bold, the characters become abstract, even pushing the bounds of legibility, but in the context of words they are surprisingly readable. The type family was designed by Sandrine Nugue and released by Commercial Type.

    Stencil signs for student housing building, Roubaix 2
    Martin Argyroglo. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Stencil signs for student housing building, Roubaix 3
    Thanh Phong Lê. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Stencil signs for student housing building, Roubaix 4
    Thanh Phong Lê. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Stencil signs for student housing building, Roubaix 5
    Thanh Phong Lê. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Orientation




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