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Russell Maret Website

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Feb 14th, 2013.
Russell Maret Website 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Russell Maret is a private press printer working in New York City who also designs typefaces as metal fonts specifically for his books.

The Gill Sans for the navigation is displayed using images and the rendering is a bit uneven, presumably due to inconsistent Photoshop antialiasing. But the Baskerville Original (a much sturdier version of the classic than most) does quite well as a webfont, at least on my MacBook screen.

Russell Maret Website 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Russell Maret Website 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Russell Maret Website 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




4 Comments on “Russell Maret Website”

  1. Elmtree says:
    Nov 3rd, 2014 2:03 am

    Great combination – shame about the production glitches. I was looking to see who uses this.

    For me, Baskerville + Gill Sans is an absolute go-to recommendation for creating a timeless look with Mac system fonts, since they blend so well together: the robustness of the Gill Sans caps and the spindliness of Baskerville, especially if you make sure to use its beautiful italic now and then. Both faces have their negatives but together they mix perfectly. Surveyor and Mrs. Eaves XL would be the obvious serif alternative, and maybe Mr. Eaves, Myriad or Johnston for the sans.

  2. Small correction: Štorm’s Baskerville is not a Mac system font, nor is Gill Sans as far as I know.

  3. Gill Sans came bundled with various versions of OS X, including Panther (6 styles) and Mavericks (9 styles).

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